Norges Rapportering HLPF

Norges Rapportering HLPF

Sivilsamfunnets innlegg på HLPF 2016 som del av Norges rapport, fremført av Martin Østerdal, generalsekretær i LNU.

Mr. Chair, distinguished delegates

On behalf of the civil society of Norway, I thank prime minister Solberg for giving us this opportunity to speak on our work and plans to implement the Agenda2030.

For the goals to become a reality, we need to make sure that every force of good, including the most marginalised groups, are given the means and space to contribute. This requires more resources, new approaches and a fundamental focus on the SDG 17 and partnerships for change.

We are alarmed by the shrinking space of civil society in many counties. Youth activists, human rights defenders, journalists and workers´ unions are under pressure from governments all over the world. Violations of their political rights is sadly an issue we still have to combat in 2016.

The SDGs are only achievable if the governments of the world are standing with the watchdogs of society instead of oppressing them. We need to strengthen existing platforms and create new partnerships between civil society, businesses, governments, local authorities, the women's movement, youth organisations, workers’ unions, indigenous people and other marginalized groups.

The goals give civil society, businesses and governments a common language for cooperation. The variety of Norwegian actors that are committed to the agenda represents a manifold of different challenges and possibilities. However, a prerequisite for partnership is social capital and trust. To build trust we need transparency in civil society, and in the work of private sector, governments and other stakeholders.

We need to create mechanisms to ensure real and meaningful participation for all, including vulnerable groups. When 2030 comes, judgment will be made based on our success or failure to include those who today stand on the outside, knocking on the door.

We, the Norwegian civil society, are fully committed to engage in the implementation and the follow up and review of this new agenda. Meaningful participation of civil society, the fulfilment of SDG 17, will lay ground for successful achievement in all the other 16 goals. This is our invitation to you, please RSVP as soon as possible.

Thank you.